Working for Living

I'm working now at a coffee shop called Has Beans. I've worked there for 3 days, but still I don't know what my hourly wage is. I'm guessing $9 or $8.5. Just realized I forgot my tips-maybe ten bucks. Today I got a call back from The Studio saying they'd hire me. It is a place for developmentally disabled adults to come and make art. The work that comes out of there is totally adorable and I want a ton of it.

It's a little surprising that my last employer gave me a good reference considering on my last day there I walked out in the middle of a high pressure shipping day-we had to make a FedEx freight deadline with 2 months of work. But then again every day was high pressure there, and needlessly so. Has Beans is about as low pressure as can be imagined. About half of my customers today either were crazy or just looked crazy. This guy Red is in there from 8:00 to 12:00 every morning asking for water and a seat in the back. He looks 30 and has old sleeve tattoos that reach over his neckline. I assume he is an acid tragedy. My boss said his parole officer (a regular at the shop) came in and told us to just let him use Has Beans as a venue for expeditions into society. He's harmless I hope.

Here are some photos of what goes down at The Studio:

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